Privacy Policy
The Policy is intended to inform you about our collection, processing and protection of your personal data (hereinafter referred to as data) in order to achieve our stated processing purposes.
We are committed to maintaining the privacy of user data. In this case, the user agrees that when he accesses the site, the server automatically registers his IP address. We collect this information for statistics, which helps in administering the site and solving technical problems.
By leaving a request or contacting technical support, you agree to the processing of data, including last name, first name, patronymic, email address, phone number, website address, organization, field of activity, city.
We need the following data:
to provide you with access to the program and technical support;
providing site functionality;
improving the functionality of the site;
directions of advertising and information messages.
At the same time, the frequency of receiving advertising mailings varies (sometimes once a month, sometimes three), but is always within reasonable limits.
You have the following rights when processing data:
right to access data;
the right to clarify data;
the right to block and delete data;
the right to appeal our actions or omissions;
the right to appeal decisions made based solely on automated data processing;
right to withdraw consent.
We use technical measures to protect information from loss, modification and misuse. Our employees access data only as needed.
Information will be securely stored on Russian servers
Information is an important part of business, and we are not in the business of selling it. To solve some problems, third-party companies and individuals (our partners) are involved. For example, to provide services for the implementation of our technical solutions. Our partners receive access only to the necessary information and are not entitled to use it for other purposes. Sometimes user data is provided to transport companies for document delivery.
Information may be shared with third parties in limited circumstances: pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or to assist in legal proceedings.
If you agreed to our terms and then changed your mind, please write to After a maximum of 2 business days, all information will be deleted, there will be nothing to process, and your account in the program will be deleted.
If you withdraw your consent, you will no longer be able to use some or all of the program’s services.

Telegram: @RoboCodeHelp_bot